Fathers Day 2023: Father’s Day today, know the right way to honor father told in history and scriptures

Fathers Day 2023: Father’s Day is on 18 June 2023. Father’s Day is a day to honor fathers for their love, dedication and sacrifice. How did Father’s Day start, when did it happen? Let’s know the history of Father’s Day. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023

Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023

Father’s Day Quotes In English:-

Father’s Day is on 18 June 2023. Father’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Sunday of June all over the world. Father’s Day is a day to honor fathers for their love, dedication and sacrifice. In Mahabharata, in response to Sumi question, Sumi had said – Father is higher than the sky. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023 International Father’s Day 2023

It is mentioned in the Puranas – Sumi Mondal: father. Means all the gods are in the father. Father only makes us, teaches us and builds us. Father’s Day is celebrated to express gratitude to the father, but how did Father’s Day start, when did it happen. Let’s know the history of Father’s Day. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023 International Father’s Day 2023

Father’s Day History:-

For the first time Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910 in America by a woman named Sonora Smart Dodd, a resident of America, to honor her father. Sonora’s father Williams Smart raised 6 children after his wife’s death. She wanted to honor her father for his dedication and sacrifice, so Father’s Day was celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023 International Father’s Day 2023

The Right Way to Honor Father’s Day

It is written in the scriptures – what should be done to truly respect and please the father. International Father’s Day 2023

Everywhere jaymanvichhet, putradichhet narabham.

The father wants his son to break all his records. In such a situation, they get the most happiness when the child proudly raises the head of the father. If the teachings and guidance given by the father are taken into life, then the child can become cultured and successful. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023 International Father’s Day 2023

Sarvatirthmayi Mata Sarvadevmay: Father.

Mataram Pitram Tasmat Sarvayatnen Pujayet.

Means – mother is omnipresent and father is the form of all the gods, therefore parents should be worshiped diligently in every way. One who circumambulates the parents, the earth consisting of the seven islands is circumambulated by him. Father’s Day Quotes in Hindi 2023 International Father’s Day 2023


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Article Sources:- ABPLive

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