Social Security’s Pensions Verification 80 lakh pensioners of Rajasthan are now free from the tension of pension, they will be able to get their verification done through this app. Socials Securitys Pensions Verification 2023||Govt Schemes2023

In Rajasthan, more than 80 lakh pensioners get pension every month through social security scheme.
But pensioners have to go for verification every year by visiting e-Mitra.
In which pensioners used to face many problems.
But now the pensioners have got rid of all these problems.
Because now the pensioner himself will be able to verify the pension while sitting at home.
An app has been launched by the Social Justice Department, in which the pensioners can do their own verification.
In this app, pension will be verified through the option of face read.
What are the benefits of Social Security’s Pensions Verification App?
After the initiative of Samit Sharma, Secretary, Social Justice Department, once again innovation is being done in the department.
In this era of technology, pension will be verified through the app in the government department.
Pensioners had to go to Emitra to get physical verification of pension done.
In which pension was verified through finger print, OTP number, but later the OTP system was stopped when the forgery increased.
But after this, the problems of eligible pensioners have increased, because many pensioners were like this.
Whose prints have disappeared from the finger, then how will the fingerprints come?
Social Security’s Pensions Verification will not have to go to E-Mitra
Elderly and differently-abled pensioners face difficulties in reaching Emitra.
But now sitting at home through the app, they can get their pension verified, after this app the possibility of fraud has reduced a lot.
This app has been launched to reduce fraud.
Therefore, now with this app, all the pension holders can do the verification sitting at home.
Social Security’s Pensions Verification How to do the verification?
To verify the social security pension sitting at home, the following steps have to be followed:-
First of all, download the RAJSSP app from the Play Store app store.
After that the mobile holder has to enter the mobile number of the evening.
Verify the OTP received on that number.
After this, the complete information of the pension holder has to be entered like the name of the holder and Aadhaar number etc.
After that the mobile camera has to be turned on to capture the face of the pension holder.
While capturing the photo the pension holders will have to match the face shape of the pension holder which will lead to face capture verification.
Be sure to take out a print out after completing the verification.
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